
The Best Burgers
Begin with Birchwood

Birchwood Foods’ complete line of high quality, consistently delicious patties are the perfect base to build signature burgers your customers can’t get anywhere else. We have the flavors, formulations and size options to beef up any menu — and keep your customers returning again and again.


Fresh. Frozen. Cooked. Custom.

Since 1936, Birchwood Foods has provided fresh and frozen ground beef patties and fully cooked proteins to both foodservice and retail industries, developing a strong reputation of excellence established by our passion for partnerships.

Culinary Cafe Logo

Today’s Idea, Tomorrow’s Dish

Our Culinary Café is an in-house, state-of-the-art facility that blends culinary skills, food science and process engineering to help customers develop proprietary products that truly differentiate their offerings.

we're hiring
Our values have created a people-oriented work environment where communication and community involvement are encouraged. We offer exciting career opportunities throughout our organization. Apply Online.